Saturday, May 16, 2015

Wedding Planning Advice That Will Save Your Marriage

Yes, I’ve been absent.  Bad blogger.

As it turns out, constantly writing news-worthy press releases, catchy Facebook posts, and SEO-rich blogs kinda drains oneself of the motivation to type out one’s meandering thoughts.  I’ll admit, I’ve noticed a significant side effect to not writing, but that’s another story for another day.

Today’s story launches off of some pretty life-altering news for me.  An event that occurred on December 8th of last year - the evening a pretty cool guy asked me to marry him.

I said yes, in case you were wondering.

And we were so excited - and still are - to start our life together by sharing the moment we exchange vows with all of our loved ones.

Now, I know a lot of people who got engaged recently.  Like, a LOT.  Pretty much seeing engagement announcements every weekend these days.  And I’m over the moon happy for every last one of them (those people out there nay-saying engagement and pregnancy announcements - STAHPIT. They’re not hatin’ on your weekly hangovers and careless jaunts to nowhere. Quit hatin’ on their own version of happiness).  

But there’s a seedy side to getting engaged people warn you about, and don’t really provide a solution for.  I don’t like problems with no solution.  It’s like a hot dog with no bun. Or a “buh-dum” without a “ch!” So the anxiety, the - yea I’m using the word - STRESS - it kind of started to get to me - to both of us.  

Well, I found a solution. And I’m going to share it with all of you brides and grooms out there planning your wedding.  


Yep, you heard me.


No, I don’t mean dump the plans you’ve had whirling around in your head since you were seven chasing or being chased by the cute kid with the buck teeth on the playground.  I don’t mean blow the budget and spend the rest of better or worses eating beans out of a can and fighting over who gets to sit in the lawn chair over the hand-me-down bark-a-lounger because you’re so severely in debt you can’t afford dishes, furniture, or the electric bill. I’m not encouraging you to light the extended family’s invitations in a giant bonfire and dance around it laughing maniacally while smearing the juice of berries down your arms and red clay on your face.

Although you should know all of the above options will - I don’t mean might, but will - cross your mind at some point or another.  And they are going to sound kind of appealing.  It really won’t seem that crazy.

What I mean is this:  The man who got down on one knee five months ago and asked me to spend the rest of my life with him is the only damn thing that matters in this whole ordeal.  The life we build together, the health of our relationship, the faith and trust and respect we instill so vulnerably in one another - THAT is ALL that tops the list above all else.  

Now I’ll admit sometimes I suspect I may be naive for thinking it, but Matt and I have an awesome relationship. And I’m not just saying this to sound like I’m living the most perfect life and others should be envious, because both of us have already made mistakes and have hurt each other, but I sincerely believe that I am the luckiest girl in the world.  Because I have found this man - this incredible, wonderful, ambitious, caring, considerate, intelligent, strong, selfless, empathetic, and loving man.  And by some kind of miracle, he chose me to share his life with.

Absolutely everything could wrong with our day.  The cake could fall apart, the flowers could randomly light on fire, the dress could not fit, the dj could be drunk, the photographer’s memory card could fail, the families could erupt in drama - and not a damn one of them would ruin that day.
As long as I get down that aisle, and profess my love, support, respect, and faithfulness to the man who literally makes me weak in the knees - and he to I - there is absolutely nothing that could ruin that day.

So that is my advice to all of you brides out there.  Things can and will go wrong.  The decorations will break, the venue you want will be too expensive, the dress you want impossible to find, guests will be fickle and insensitive, but none of that matters.  It’s not about the wedding, and I was just as guilty as so many others when I forgot about that for a few weeks.  It’s about the marriage.  It’s about this wonderful person you are committing to, who loves you with every fiber of their being, and if you are as lucky as I am, is solely interested in committing themselves to you completely.  The rest is just details.

To all of you who are or will be taking the big plunge into marriage in the coming months/ years - congratulations.  And remember, SCREW IT. Screw it all!

1 comment:

  1. This is my first time i visit here and I found so many interesting stuff in your blog especially it's discussion, thank you.The real marriage killer


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